
Welcome to Classic Airboats
Thank you for visiting Classic Airboats. Classic Airboats is a world wide distributor and manufacturer of Airboats, Airboat Parts, and Airboat Accessories. Classic Airboats brings over 35 years of airboat experience to help you fulfill all of your needs, and customer satisfaction is our number one goalAll Credit Card orders are subject to a 3% additional fee
We are now accepting PayPal and PayPal Credit for all parts. To order, give us a call at 1-800-247-2628 FREE or Local 321-632-1722

You have been asking for years and we have been saying "NO!"
for years, but the time has come for us to say "YES!"
For the first time ever Panther Airboats is releasing its
patented gear-to-gear counter rotator for sale to the general public. The counter rotator comes with over 20 years
of tried and proven technology. You
will enjoy up to 30% more thrust, up to 20% less fuel consumption, up to 25%
noise reduction and complete rotational torque cancellation! Make your boat a quieter, more efficient, and
most important, a safer ride!
Rated to 1200
HP PLUS Weight 150
Gear Ratios Available
2.12:1, 2.37:1, 2.68:1
Rotational Torque Cancellation
Fit all
standard Chevy, Buick, Oldsmobile, Pontiac and Cadillac Bell Housing Patterns